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CBD Oil Vs. Hempseed Oil: What’s The Difference?

Since the passage of the 2018 Farm Bill, which legalized the growing, cultivating and selling of hemp and hemp products across America, there’s been a deluge of new wares on the market made with different parts of the plant. 

But with so much of this information so new to so many people, trying to follow along and figure out what you’re actually buying can get confusing. (Indeed, even figuring out the difference between hemp, cannabis and marijuana can get pretty tricky!)

And one of the most commonly confused set of products out there is hempseed oil and CBD oil.

With both products having some real benefits to bring to the beauty world, companies have (intentionally or not) started using the terms as synonyms – but that’s not really the case.


What Is CBD Oil?

Let’s start with CBD oil.

CBD oil is oil mixed with cannabidiol, the scientific name for CBD. It’s typically made by mixing CBD extract with coconut oil, MCT oil or another type of carrier oil.

Cannabidiol is extracted from the leaves, flowers and stems of the hemp plant. Several different methods can be used for this extraction, though the safest—and increasingly most popular—method is carbon dioxide extraction.

How much of the plant is used depends on the type of CBD oil you’re purchasing – that is, whether it’s considered full-spectrum, broad spectrum or CBD isolate.

But regardless of the type of CBD oil you choose, you will always be using a product that came from the actual hemp plant.


Benefits of CBD Oil

Since CBD oil is a rich source of cannabidiol, it’s associated with many of the same benefits as CBD itself. This covers a wide range of subjects, including but not limited to:

·  Pain relief and anti-inflammation

·  Anti-anxiety

·  Help with depression or depressive symptoms

·  Help fighting acne and general improvement of skin

·  Neuroprotective prosperities, such as help with epilepsy and multiple sclerosis

Scientists are still actively studying cannabidiol and discovering more potential impacts and benefits of the compound all the time.


How To Spot It

One of the reasons CBD oil and hemp seed oil so often get confused is the way they’re referred to in long lists of ingredients. If you’re not buying CBD oil directly—that is, in a tincture or capsule—it’s hardly ever so simple as seeing “CBD oil” listed on the back of a jar.


Instead, when scanning for CBD oil, you’ll want to look out for terms like:

·  Cannabidiol

·  Full-spectrum hemp

·  Hemp oil

·  PCR (phytocannabinoid-rich)

·  PCR hemp extracts

You’re much more likely to come across one of these terms when scanning the back of a product label.


What Is Hempseed Oil?

 First, it’s important to note that hempseed oil is very different from hemp oil.

In fact, some people use hemp oil as a synonym for CBD, as it typically refers to an oil infused with all parts of the hemp plant, as CBD oil is.


Hempseed oil is different, however.

As its name may suggest, these oils are made only using the seeds of the hemp plant. Typically, the seeds go through similar extraction techniques as hemp flowers, stems and leaves do when making CBD oil – but in the case of hempseed oil, only the seeds of the plant are used.


Benefits of Hempseed Oil

Hempseed oil has a wide range of nutrients, antioxidants and other components that make it a specifically good concoction for your skin. Some of its biggest benefits include: 

·  Omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for brain, heart and cardiovascular health

·  Gamma linolenic acid, which promotes cell growth and hormone balance

·  Other nutrients and antioxidants that help boost the immune system and relieve pain 

Plus, hemp seeds are completely non-psychoactive, making the product safe for anyone concerned with consuming THC.


How To Spot It

Again, tricky product labels can make it difficult to figure out exactly what went into what you’re using.

You’re actually fairly likely to see hempseed oil described as such on a label. Many companies, looking to cash in on the hype surrounding CBD, have labeled the product as such, in hopes that some people may believe they’re actually purchasing a trendy CBD-infused item.

Still, hempseed oil may also show up on a package as cannabis sativa seed oil.


Which Type of Oil Is Better? 

There’s really no right or wrong answer to which type of oil is better. The two are simply different.

Primarily, which type of oil is “better” depends on a number of personal preferences. What are you looking for the product to do?

If you want help with your skin, you’re most likely looking for hempseed oil. If you’re looking more for anxiety or pain relief, you might be better suited by CBD oil.

As always, when it comes to CBD products, the only “wrong” choice is an uneducated one. Make sure to research the product you want to buy – as well as the company selling it – to ensure you’re getting the safest, most efficient product possible.



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